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Escape to a meme paradise at our freshers’ party!🕴🏻 We’re thrilled to invite you to our much-anticipated Fresher's Party to welcome the newest batch of students! This is a fantastic opportunity for you to mingle, make new friends, and kick off the academic year with a bang💃🏻

Expect a day filled with music, dance and fun activities🎊 Dress up as your favourite Meme characters and join us for a fresher's party to make some unforgettable memories!🥳

We’re having a meme contest too!

Send in your best memes - forwarded or original!

The top 15 Memes will get featured during the Induction event as well as our Instagram page.

Send a DM to @aces_rmdssoe on Instagram with your best memes!

Follow us!

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/d38db312-07e6-49e6-85fa-1638944d223f/3e3ec345-7955-4eac-aa9b-595b18a9698b/Instagram_Glyph_Gradient.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/d38db312-07e6-49e6-85fa-1638944d223f/3e3ec345-7955-4eac-aa9b-595b18a9698b/Instagram_Glyph_Gradient.png" width="40px" /> Instagram


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/d38db312-07e6-49e6-85fa-1638944d223f/0ca2417c-a78e-4fbe-9866-ec0729aad8fc/LI-In-Bug.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/d38db312-07e6-49e6-85fa-1638944d223f/0ca2417c-a78e-4fbe-9866-ec0729aad8fc/LI-In-Bug.png" width="40px" /> LinkedIn


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